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Large country garden design in dorest

Large country garden design in Dorset


This fun packed family garden design required a formal front garden design with clearly but discreetly defined parking areas. Trees and mixed planting beds were designed to give a sense of arrival on entering the property. A courtyard garden including an evening entertaining and fire pit terrace was created to link the house and outbuildings. Clear routes to the side entrance of the house were also important. The existing swimming pool and a new tennis court and vegetable garden were designed in along with pathways leading you around the garden. Dining terraces for use at different times of the day have been incorporated.


Sloping town garden design in Wiltshire

Wildlife Friendly garden

A new build house required a garden design to settle the house into its setting. The clients are keen gardeners and required a good sized growing area with lots of additional planting areas to indulge their love for plants and wildlife. Additional fruit trees were positioned to provide a link with the established fruit trees that remained onsite. A wildlife pond surrounded by meadow grass provides a wilder more natural feeling as you move away from the house into the landscape.

Family Garden Design



The brief for this garden design was for the space to be a functioning family garden with different areas to use at different times of the day. A hot tub, bar, family and evening terrace were included for flexibility and maximum family fun. A pergola and screening trees have been located to provide privacy from the neighbors.

Views out from the property will be kept and enhanced with soft textural planting. A traditional chestnut post and rail fence will be installed to link the garden with the rural countryside beyond.

A car port and screening was required at the front of the property. Good sized planting beds have been located to soften the house into the setting whilst at the same time providing the property with some much needed curve appeal. A bench has been located at the front of the house to enjoy the last of the summer sun.